
Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's Caught & It's Taught

As a new parent, I am overwhelmed sometimes by the idea that I have to train my little girl to fight the pressures of this world & become like Christ.  It's a big job! 

One of my friend's was encouraging me with what she was learning as she was raising her 3 young children.  She said that Godly character is CAUGHT not TAUGHT.  Suddenly the teacher in me began to challenge that statement!  Both parts are actually just as important!  I know she didn't mean that teaching was not important, she was just emphasizing I must exhibit Godly character in order to show my child how to to live it out.  However, I must also take the time to teach my child what Godly character is so they can recognize it & have practice putting it into practice in the safety of our home! 

So a new passion was born! When my daughter was about 9 months old, I realized that I needed to start to put together a manual for myself!  I know that as a teacher, your curriculum is more than just your guide, it is your objective.  I knew that if I didn't have a guide to use, I would not likely have the resources to plan those learning times!

Just a few short months later, I was asked to volunteer my efforts in improving the Chapel curriculum at my former place of employment!  So...I am not only planning & growing my own manual, but also developing & structuring curriculum for my local Christian school!  As I have been looking around the internet, I have struggled finding many resources.  My hope is that I can share some creative ideas & pull together resources that I find & pass them on to you...a fellow believer in Christ, parent or teacher!  I pray that this will enable you to BUILD GODLY CHARACTER into your child or student!


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful blessing. I'm looking forward to your posts. Thanks for sharing. : )
