
Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's Taught: Respect

Let’s say that you overhear Steven, your 8 year old, commenting to his friend about how he hates his Second Grade teacher because she is always giving him too much homework.

This is how I would handle this situation:


Steven, I know that you are frustrated with all of the homework you are getting from Mrs. Smith. She is giving you homework so that you can have some independent practice of what she is teaching you. When she sees your work she can see if you understand what you are going over in class. If you think that you are getting way too much homework, we can sit down & ask her about it, but you can not talk bad about her. Mrs. Smith is your authority. God has placed her as your teacher this year. You need to respect her whether you feel like it or not! When you disrespect her with your words, you disrespect God.

If we decide to talk to her about your homework, then we also need to be careful how we speak to her. Mrs. Smith may not change her mind about the amount of homework, but either way you need to be OK with it. I will help you by setting up a meeting with her & planning what you will say. Let’s make a list of things you would like to talk to her about & any reasons you feel the way you do. When we meet with her I will help you bring up things, but you have to be the one to explain some of the things you are asking about.

3) PRAY!
Let’s ask God to forgive you for disrespecting Mrs. Smith. Let’s also ask him for wisdom on how to talk to her about your homework & to help you respect all of your authority at school & home.

 Make it Right!
Now that you are right with God, He tells us that we must make things right with others. You need to go & ask forgiveness from your friend. You need to tell them that you were being disrespectful to your teacher. You also need to ask forgiveness from your teacher when we go to speak to her because it was not right to talk about her that way.

 Don't Fight All of Their Battles!
This situation would be such a great opportunity to show your child how to speak respectfully to a teacher, or any authority.  Don't be afraid to get your children involved in things that can be discussed in front of them.  You won't always be able to fight their battles!  Allow them to learn under your leading!  Give them the tools to be successful.  This is also a great lesson for teaching them how to ask for forgiveness & make things right with other people.

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