
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cooking Patience with Bread & Resurrection Cookies

Cooking is another everyday part of our homes that teaches great patience.  Really you can use any cooking scenerio that you want.  I suggest baking some bread.  During the process you have to allow it to rise several times & then let it bake.  Try some of the dough each time it rises.  Then, try a piece of warm bread & reinforce how important it is to wait.  It is a long process, but worth it!  Here is a recipe that was given to me by a friend.  They are the most delicious rolls I have ever tasted!

You could also read The Little Red Hen to get the point across about waiting & the reward of hard work. 

There are several websites with ideas in using The Little Red Hen:
Lessons for Preschoolers & Kindergartners
The Little Red Hen picture & word story
Literacy ideas

I also suggest making Resurrection Cookies during Easter time.  This recipe not only teaches on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but also teaches the idea of patience as you wait to open the "tomb".

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