
Saturday, October 30, 2010

JELL-O Teaches Patience

Show the difference of waiting. Prepare the JELL-O mixture & pour it onto a cookie sheet. The sloshy, unset JELL-O cookie sheet represents an impatient person.  Try to cut it with a cookie cutter.  You can't do anything with it.  Impatience is ugly & easily broken.

Place the tray into the fridge or freezer to allow it to harden.

The well hardened JELL-O represents a patient person. Start making JELL-O jigglers. When we are patient, God can use us, mold us & form us more into His image.

If you are dong an object lesson in front of a group:
Prepare 2 cookie sheets of JELL-O.  One cookie sheet will be sloshy & not set.  The other should be fully set. Use the same discussion as above.

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