
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Exploring Your Gifts

+  Make a Uniqueness List. Make a list of talents and spiritual gifts that God has given each one of you. Using a highlighter, highlight the gifts that you feel are the strongest. Discuss ways that you can use those gifts to serve others and bring glory to God.
+  Spiritual Gift Boxes.  Discuss all of the different spiritual gifts: teaching, leadership, service, hospitality, intercession (prayer), mercy (compassion), encouragement, prophecy (speak boldly about what you believe), and generosity (giving). God wants you to discover and use the gifts He has given you. Decorate a box with different pictures or drawings of things God has gifted each one of you.  Discuss how you can use those gifts and talents for God’s glory.
+  Body Outline Using large paper, trace each one of you.  Decorate the head to look like yourself.  Decorate the body showing special qualities that you have been given by God. (ie: holding an instrument, kicking a soccer ball)

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