III John 1:4

"I have no greater joy that to hear that my children are walking in th truth." III John 1:4

Monday, April 11, 2011

Resurrection Rolls

Here is a great recipe for teaching the Easter Story...

>Basically you can use any dough recipe.  (a friend's dough recipe at the bottom)
>Dip large marshmellows in melted butter. Roll in cinnamon and sugar.
>Wrap the marshmellows in the dough. Pinch the sides really well to prevent the marshmellow from leaking out.
>Bake ar 400' for about 15 min.

The marshmellow represents Christ---perfect and spotless lamb.
The butter and the spices represent the oils and spices his body was prepared in before burial.
The dough is the tomb his body was placed in. The marshmellow will melt leaving an empty tomb. HE IS RISEN!

Here is a sample bread dough recipe that you can use for making this delicious treat.  If you want to make it simple, you can just use a can of crescent rolls, I just prefer homemade. My friend also uses this recipe for garlic pull-apart bread and cinnamon pull-apart bread.  I tend to use my bread maker, but this is a great way to involve your children too!

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