+ Grow in your Gifts After taking an inventory of all of your spiritual gifts, make a plan to grow in your gift. For example, if you are good at teaching, maybe you will go into a classroom and observe a teacher and help out. Maybe you are good at basketball and have the gift of leadership. Find a team that you can help a coach teach younger students to play basketball. Maybe you love to serve others and make them feel welcome. Plan a babysitting night for several families or serve at a homeless shelter.
+ Practice the Gift of Intercession Pray specifically for the gifts God has given each one of you. For example, “Thank you God for the wonderful ways You have made us. God please build-up the gift of ___ in my friend ___. We confess that we don’t always use our gifts for You or others in our lives. Please help us to always use our gifts to help others. Let his/her gifts combine with the gifts of others to bring You glory and to show others what you are really like. Amen.”
+ Practicing the Gift of Generosity Clean out your toy boxes, book shelves, and closets. Do the 27 Fling Boogie (idea from www.FlyLady.net) and take the items to a children’s home, Good Will, Salvation Army or local pre-school. + Practice the Gift of Teaching Find a younger person to invest time teaching them either subject material or biblical lessons. Maybe this is a brother or sister. Maybe this is helping in a Sunday school class. Maybe this is someone from school.
+ Practice the Gift of Hospitality Make others feel welcome in your home by taking their coat or taking them on a tour of your home. Make others feel welcome in your neighborhood by taking them a meal when they move-in, are sick or just need to be reached out to. Make others feel welcome in your church or school by showing new kids how things work, where to go or even introduce them to others.

+ Practice the Gift of Leadership Lead others by giving them a good example to follow. Find a talent that you have that you can help lead others in. Maybe you are good at singing; start a singing group. Maybe you like sports; help coach a team. Maybe you like organizing things; ask a parent an area of the house that you can help organize and then show the rest of the family how to keep it organized. Maybe you like to plan events; help plan a party for your family, friends or even your neighborhood. Maybe you could even start a fundraiser to help someone who is sick. Make sure to plan how others can help you accomplish your goal (delegating).

+ Practice the Gift of Prophecy If you like to speak boldly about what you believe, pray about who you can tell God’s message to. This could be anything from salvation to character that should be in someone’s life. Make sure to practice humility and sensitivity when you speak to others. Make sure you have worked out what may be sin in your life before you talk to them.
+ Practice the Gift of Mercy or Service Pray for who God would have you to show compassion or kindness to that are around you. This could be someone in your family, school or neighborhood. It could be someone you know or someone you need to get to know. Maybe you could take a trip to a Nursing Home to encourage the elderly. Maybe you could help at an animal shelter. Maybe someone in your family or church is not well and you can go and help them for a couple of hours.
+ Practice the Gift of Encouragement Think of someone who may need encouraged and make a card for them. Tell them specifically what you admire about them or what gifts you see in them. Encourage them in any areas they might be struggling in. Make sure to find some scripture that may speak to their heart as well.